A set of interactives aimed at exploring the properties of electromagnetic waves
Timeline: 1 month
Client: Millimetre Wave Group at University of St Andrews
Value: £1k
Aim: To produce three small table-top interactives showing users how different wavelengths travel through different materials. Users should be able to move materials in and out of the sensors to see the results. Results to be displayed simply on waggle-metres.
What we did: Each interactive houses a wavelength specific transmitter and a receiver, with a small gap in between. By placing materials between the transmitter/receiver users investigate which materials you can 'see' through using different wavelengths; visible, IR and millimetre waves. The reading from the receiver is displayed on a meter on both sides of the exhibit.The small interactives were produced on a very tight timescale and are light and very portable.
External Link to Project Website: http://www.vision4thefuture.org.uk
External Link to Client's Website: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~mmwave/