Move round the scene and watch out for the hazards
Timeline: 2 months
Client: Nottinghamshire County Council
Value: £3000
Aim: To produce two working buzz wire games for a road safety project. The products would be used in conjunction with previous FifeX products to make a suite of activities. They should be fun and give demonstrators a lot to talk about.
What we did: We built two buzzwire games. Users have to move a 'car' or 'bike' around the road-shaped game. On the road sections, they have to stay in the middle of the road or risk hitting the edges and buzzing!The graphics on the game are drawn in a cartoon style and show lots of hazards and interesting things that can be discussed in a road-safety workshop.Objects displayed include: houses, two different routes including a town road and country road, a school, crossings, bikes, cars, pedestrians with pets, various road markings, shops, drivers that aren't paying attention to the road, people playing ball games on the pavement.... and the list goes on.The units are easily portable and are powered by battery making them an easy set-up at any venue.
Testimonial: "This is another good step forward in trying to make road safety fun and interactive in this increasingly digital age."
Anthony Nix, Road Safety Officer, Nottinghamshire County Council
External Link to Client's Website: http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/