Memory Bank
Futuristic Time Capsule for MUSA, St Andrews
Timeline: 6 months
Client: University of St Andrews
Value: £20k
Aim: To develop a fun, interactive way of storing memories so that visitors could leave memories and listen to other people's memories. It should also play some pre-recorded video clips and audio. Users should be able to record audio or video or simply type in if they prefer.
What we did: Storing memories is a way of holding on to the past. This high-tech museum exhibit, part of the interactive exhibition fit-out at MUSA, provides a place where can listen to / watch other people's memories, as well as record their own.FifeX's in-house software allows uses to record messages as text, audio (along with a photo or use an avatar) or video. After the message is recorded, it sits in a queue to be reviewed before being published live on the software for other visitors to experience.The software can also play video footage not recorded on the device, as well as incorporate other digital media from the museum.
Testimonial: "We have found that the inter-actives really encourage visitors of all types - and in particular families and children - to engage with the objects on display, learn more about them and to make discoveries of their own through activity and play. To date about 17,000 visitors have visited MUSA - and the feedback we have received indicates that the inter-actives created by Fifex are a very important factor in engaging their attention, encouraging learning and, importantly, providing fun and entertainment."
Emma Jane McAdam, Curator, Operations & Projects
External Link to Project Website: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/musa/
External Link to Client's Website: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk