Race against the clock to make your waste into something useful!
Timeline: 4 months
Client: Nature's World
Value: £12k
Aim: The aim was to develop an interactive that put a positive slant on recycling by getting users to appreciate what can be made from common household waste.
What we did: We developed a large scale game where users have to put rubbish into actual wheelie bins. Using RFID, we tracked what users were doing and controlled this using a bespoke computer game.Users have to rummage through the household waste to find the right material and place it into the correct bins or fear contaminating the system and having to start all over again!The software has varying difficulty levels; some even require multiple users to complete the challenge in the time given. A unique and engaging interactive museum exhibit for all ages.
Testimonial: "I have no hesitation in recommending Fifex as a first class interactive design & development operation."
"At all stages of my 'Interactive Race to Recycle' project, Craig and his team were exceptionally creative, helpful and perhaps more importantly, really seemed to understand the purpose of what I was trying to achieve. In my experience this latter quality is a rare quality in interactive exhibit development!"
"In all Fifex is a very rare find nowadays, a professional organisation that doesn't rely on advertising but prospers from satisfied customer references and word of mouth."
Simon Sykes, Nature's World