Race Timer - The Accelerator
Race Timer - The Accelerator
Racing the best of them
Timeline: 2 months
Client: Classroom Medics
Value: £2k
Aim: Race Track was designed and built for Classroom Medics. The project was to design a flexible, modular race track which they could use to discuss power generation and fitness with school children through the medium of running. Users of this learning equipment, can race against a number of athletes, whose speed is represented by moving LEDs along the track.
What we did: Initially we had to experiment with a number of ways of achieving the goal but we ended up with sections of track that can be packed away into a flight case. When fully assembled, 15 metres of track runs along the floor and this is used in gym halls and exhibition spaces all round the country.The track length can be adjusted to fit various school halls and other venues. A control panel allows the administrators to set the races up, record times and perform a number of calculations. The readings are transmitted to computer through USB and recorded in their custom designed-software.We are continuing to work with the client to improve this product and have already produced a second setup for them. We are hoping we will produce a few!
Testimonial: "I approached the FifeX team with a random phone call outlining my idea for a racing system that tells people how far behind Usain Bolt they would finish in a real race. With in a few days they sent me a 3D image of how they would design the kit and began work on building it. The whole process was made so much easier with all the team knowing what stage of development it was at and what needed to be done. They didnt mind my changes in mind with the software element and have made updates as and when requested very quickly. With the development of The Accelerator we have now been selected to travel to the Abu Dhabi Science Festival and be part of the Wellcome Trust's In the Zone pop up sports science exhibition that is following the Olympic Torch around the country."
"The Accelerator is a real asset to my business and it would not have been possible with out the expertise and genius that can be found at FifeX! Thanks guys you did a great job!"
Tom Warrander - Classroom Medics
External Link to Client's Website: http://www.classroommedics.co.uk/