Power Generation
Timeline: 3 months
Client: Pitlochry Visitor Centre
Value: £15k
Aim: We were asked to produce exhibits about power generation for part of the exhibition on the ground floor.
In 2024 we updated one of these interactives we a newer version
What we did: Working with Campbell and Co., we worked up ideas for a few exhibits which were whittled down to the three that we made. The client was SSE and they had a very clear idea about what they wanted to show. Designs were produced and mock-ups of certain parts. Two of the exhibits were classic mechanical exhibits and the third was an electronic game where users investigate a power line and see what happens if they get the transformers the wrong way round!The mechanical exhibits were designed to be completely real and work was put in to ensure that they were do-able by users of all ages. We show users the effort required to light a standard halogen bulb and they can compare this to an LED. There is also a magneto where users actually light a bulb by physically turning a magnet inside a coil.The exhibits were installed onsite as part of the initial installation.
External Link to Client's Website:http://www.pitlochrydam.com/