Audio Player
A flexible audio player for various projects / clients
Client: Various including National Library of Scotland, Orkney Brewery, Forth Valley Hospitals, West Highland Museum...
Value: < £1k
Aim: To produce an audio system that is simple and affordable and allows the client to change their audio files easily. To allow clients to incorporate this into whatever they need, be it cabinets, boxes, walls or in fact to have it on show. Could it be easily installed by a client themselves? Could it be sent out in the post?
What we did: We've worked on various versions of a very simple system. Run from a small board, the audio player allows you to play audio randomly or in order. It can be triggered from a button or a sensor. Multiple sensors can trigger multiple files. Really, in terms of the way it works, it's totally flexible.Data is stored on an SD card, so to change the files, you can just pull the card out and change them over - it's easy. With the SD cards being very affordable - if you're in any way worried about the files, you can simply keep one card with a complete back up of the original files.The system is compact and can play through a panel-mounted speaker or headphones or if you wanted, you could just plug in a set of computer speakers.The production of these units is so affordable that in a number of cases, clients have asked for a spare unit - in the event that anything were to go wrong, the spare can just be substituted with no down-time whatsoever.